2008.09-2012.06 365体育官网登录入口 植物保护 学士
2012.09-2017.06 365体育官网登录入口 农业昆虫与害虫防治 博士
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2021.09-至今 365体育中国官方网站 副教授
1. 昆虫(螨类)种群生态学
2. 有害生物生物防治
3. 捕食螨体液免疫与嗅觉感受机制
专业核心课程:《农业昆虫学》,专业发展课程:《城市昆虫学》、《有害生物综合治理》,国际课程《Integrative Biological Control》。
1. 国家重点研发计划子课题,2022YFC2601000,橘小实蝇等入侵种大规模群体的形成与维持机制,2022/11-2025/10,67万,主持;
2. 重庆市科技局技术创新与应用发展专项(面上项目),cstc2021jscx-lyjsAX0005,捕食螨规模化繁育技术在番茄产业化上的应用研究,2021/12-2023/11,20万,主持;
3. 国家自然科学基金(青年基金),3190170348,巴氏新小绥螨感染球孢白僵菌的体液免疫应答机制,2020/01-2022/12,25万,主持;
4. 国家重点研发计划子课题,2018YFD02010201,长江流域冬小麦有害生物发生危害规律与防治指标研究,2018/07–2021/06,45万,主持;
5. 中国博士后科学基金面上资助,2018M633308,UV-B胁迫下巴氏新小绥螨表型可塑性与适应性机制研究,2018/06 - 2020/06,5万,主持;
6. 重庆市自然科学基金(面上项目),cstc2020jcyj-msxmX0407,HIPVs介导下巴氏新小绥螨的嗅觉行为反应及感受器功能研究,2020/07-2023/06,10万,主持;
7. 中国烟草总公司云南省公司科技计划重点项目,2020530000241016,叉角厉蝽规模化生产关键技术研发与推广应用,2020/01-2022/12,15万,主持;
8. 中央高校基本科研业务费,SWU-KQ22019,巴氏新小绥螨联合球孢白僵菌协同控害技术研发与应用,2022/04-2024/12,20万,主持。
1. Li, Y.Y., Tian, C.B., Wu, Y.X., Niu, T.D., Chu, W.Q., Liu H., 2022. Molecular characterization of two MAPK genes and their thermotolerant functions in a high temperature acclimated strain of Neoseiulus barkeri. BioControl 67: 189-200.
2. Li, Y.Y., Tian, C.B., Wu, Y.X., Niu, T.D., Wang, H., Fan, W.H., Liu, H., 2021. Enhanced expression of DNA methyltransferase 1-associated protein1 gene thermotolerance in a high-temperature acclimated predatory mite Neoseiulus barkeri. BioControl 66: 779-788.
3. Li, Y.Y., Liu, M.X., Yuan, J.G., Okonkwo, T.T., Chen, H.Q., Liu, H., 2021. Evaluation of a philic egg-consumption predatory thrips Scolothrips takahashii for control of the citrus red mite Panonychus citri. Crop Protection 140, 105421.
4. Li, Y.Y., Yuan, J.G., Liu, M.X., Zhang, Z.H., Zhou, H.W., Liu, H., 2020. Evaluation of four artificial diets on demography parameters of Neoseiulus barkeri. BioControl 66: 789-802.
5. Li, Y.Y., Ma, R.J., Tian, C.B., Yuan, J.G., Xu, Y.J., Chen, H.Q., Liu, H., 2020. Molecular characterization of three Niemann–Pick type C2 proteins in the predatory mite Neoseiulus barkeri Hughes (Acari: Phytoseiidae). Systematic and Applied Acarology 25, 1421-1432.
6. Li, Y.Y., Zhang, G.H., Tian, C.B., Liu, M.X., Liu, Y.Q., Liu, H., Wang, J.J., 2017. Does long-term feeding on alternative prey affect the biological performance of Neoseiulus barkeri (Acari: Phytoseiidae) on the target spider mites? Journal of Economic Entomology 110, 915-923.
7. Li, Y.Y., Liu, M.X., Zhou, H.W., Tian, C.B., Zhang, G.H., Liu, Y.Q., Liu, H., Wang, J.J., 2017. Evaluation of Neoseiulus barkeri (Acari: Phytoseiidae) for control of Eotetranychus kankitus (Acari: Tetranychidae). Journal of Economic Entomology 110, 903-914.
8. Li, Y.Y., Fan, X., Zhang, G.H., Liu, Y.Q., Chen, H.Q., Liu, H., Wang, J.J., 2017. Sublethal effects of bifenazate on life history and population parameters of Tetranychus urticae (Acari: Tetranychidae). Systematic and Applied Acarology 22, 148-158.
9. Li, Y.Y., Zhang, Y., Hu, Q., Liu, L., Xu, X.N., Liu, H., Wang, J.J., 2015. Effect of bran moisture content and initial population density on mass production of Tyrophagus putrescentiae (Schrank) (Acari: Acaridae). Systematic and Applied Acarology 20, 497-506.
1. 设施辣椒害虫生物防治技术. 吴圣勇主编. 北京:中国农业出版社, 2020
2. 植绥螨系统学及其对有害生物的治理. 吴伟南, 方小端主编. 广州: 广东科技出版社, 2021